Sunday, December 6, 2009

Doggy Style

OK, let's set the record straight, I am a stylin' dog. My looks have been known to stop traffic. Granted that probably wouldn't happen so much if I'd quit walking out into the streets but that's beyond the point. A good dog is not only a well behaved and well groomed dog but also one who has the proper accessories.

Let's start with the collar. You don't have to break the bank to have a stylish collar. Drop $20.00 at Zane + Zara's and you can walk away with something by Upcountry or 72 Bark Place. That collar is the foundation of a great outfit. Me, I like a little bling. I am currently sporting a collar by Silverfoot. It's a nice martingale with a shiny silver chain. And remember that little jingle you hear doesn't have to be just your registration tags. Think about something extra like a nice crystal or pearl pendant of maybe something with your personal information on it just incase you go out and get yourself lost. You could also pick up a tag silencer but what good is jewelry if you can't hear it "clink" together.

Seeing as it is now winter and the cold weather seems to be upon us, you may not want to stop there. If you are one of our more hirsute breeds there is probably not a sweater or coat in your future but I will guarantee, if you have sensitive paws like Zara, you'll need footware. Chicago loves to salt the streets and sidewalks and there is noting more miserable that walking on salt. I ask you, who's good idea was salt on the ground? You have to think, "Is there a salt mine with the name Daly on it?" But, I digress. Hairy or not, you're probably going to need boots. Boots come in two basic styles: you have the more regulation boot style. This style usually has some elastic around the ankle with a velcro strip so that you can tighten the material around the foot. They are usually water-proof and have some sort of non-slip sole. These boots range in price between $40 and $60. While they are very attractive and can usually be had in colors that match a coat, sweater or scarf they do have a substantial draw-back. You can't feel the ground beneath your feet. While this might not be a big deal for you humans, it is a HUGE deal for us dogs. Now some of us get used to these things pretty quick, others, not so lucky. You end up with that "just saw a ghost" look on your face and making a brave attempt to shake the boots off of all four paws at one time. Very entertaining but it really makes us want to wet ourselves.

The alternative is the balloon style. These are silicon balloons that fit very securely over the foot. They are, of course, water-proof and most importantly, allow you to feel the ground beneath your feet. They are much less expensive: about $15.00 for three sets. The biggest draw-back is if you're not being careful, your toenails can poke through. But if you are careful putting them on, the three sets should easily last you a full season. I will say, if you're a sporting dog who likes to go hiking on nature trails and such, you'll probably tear these on the rough ground.

For those of us who have short or no coats a little outerwear is always in order. The choice is levels of warmth and sweater or coat. Sweaters are usually of a style that just pulls over your head and coats usually employ some sort of button, snap or velcro. If you are a sturdy breed like Zara a nice light water-proof jacket with a soft lining is a great choice. It'll keep you nice and dry and offer a bit of insulation against the wind and cold. If the cold is really an issue, like it is with me, a well fitting wool sweater or a fleece lined coat are in order. If you like the ease of just slipping a sweater over your head I recommend something by Chilly Dog. They offer lots of stylish colors and patterns in sizes from teeny tiny to enormous. Hand-made in South America, they are 100% wool and colored with vegetable dyes. Chilly Dog is my choice for winter wear this year. And finally you can go with a nice fleece lined, all weather coat from Muttluks. If you really like the outdoors but were saddled with indoor fur, this is the coat for you. Weather proof and fleece lined they are nice and snuggly.  Solid colors, button front and a nice stylish belt around the middle. Zara and I will probably move to these coats as the Chicago weather worsens. And if the weather gets real bad I may chose a larger size than normal so that I can wear the coat over my sweater. Boxers, you see, are very sensitive to the cold.

Well, that's Doggy Style for today. Remember, just because you call us your "furry" friends doesn't mean we don't get cold. And just because we call it a collar doesn't mean it's not jewelry. Have a joyous holiday season.


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