Thursday, March 4, 2010

Getting fit...emergency liposuction and all

For those who follow my posts, all three of you, sorry for the tardiness of this latest missive. Google in all of their China bashing wisdom, decided that mine was a potential spam sight. Talk about guilty before proven innocent. They locked me out of my blog and then forced me to prove that I wasn't spam material. Ugh! Then, having gotten everything straightened out they still wouldn't let me back in. Finally I'm back in! And with so much to say. Russell has attached a blog to the Walk's With Zara web-site so this blog is going to be posted to this site and Walks With Zara. I think it'll be a good fit as it's all about getting up, getting dressed and getting some exercise.

*a week later, maybe two*

OK, let me just say, you humans are a total pain in the ass. I was set to write this blog about getting some exercise and use it as a launching pad for John's big announcement. Well, trying to get a commitment out of John is like pulling teeth. So, I'm just going to force him into a corner. Read on...

March is Pet Food month at Zane + Zara's. Every weekend will feature reps from some of the best foods offered at Zane + Zara's. I thought, hmmmm food, what a great time to talk about a balanced life. Cesar Milan likes to point out that dogs need exercise, discipline and affection. To put is more compactly, pets just like humans, need balance. If the balance is off the pet will never really grow into its full potential. Most people think that the be all, end all of pet ownership is affection. OK, affection is great. Hey, I'm all for snuggling up on the couch and getting my belly rubbed. Yet, like any tasty snack, too much of a good thing is, well, not a good thing. A snack is just that, a snack. A couple of times a day you need a good meal.  Lying around getting your belly rubbed needs exercise to give it balance and appreciation.

I know, I know, "but it's so hard and I just don't have time." What a load of crap. Chicago is one of the most dog friendly cities in the world. Get out and explore a little bit. A short web search will give you a long list of dog parks where you can just let us off the leash to entertain ourselves and socialize. You don't have to do a thing but keep an eye on us and soak up a little sun. And don't pull out that old chestnut of, "my dog just doesn't like other dogs." Just because you've done a rotten job raising your dog doesn't mean you don't have options. First of all, you could put some time and effort into socializing your dog. Tough yes, but there is so much help out there you really don't have an excuse.  Dogs are naturally social animals.  If you have a dog that is overly aggressive towards other dogs you don't have an aggression problem, you have a respect problem. A dog that lunges at other dogs is asserting him or herself above you. You see, its not the dog, it's you. This is, my friends, a topic for another blog. Back to exercise. If you can't have your dog in a social setting the dog parks are pretty quiet at night. John and Russell have taken myself and Zara to PupTown, at Marine and Lawrence,  after 7pm.  It's quiet and we just run around like maniacs and chase a lot of balls. It's a great experience.

Lest you think that's the only option for exercise, here are some other options. How about going for a walk. By "walk" I don't mean around the block. That's not a walk, that's just pathetic. Look at your watch as we go out the door. The goal is AT LEAST 30 minutes. Anything less is just a poop run. And tying us to a bike rack while you run into Jewel, does not count towards your 30 minutes. If we stop, the clock stops. Walk us to a nearby park, a coffee shop or pet friendly store. Let's all take in a bit of the city a couple of times a day, every day. And don't forget about going for a run. If we need exercise so do you. Spring and Summer are right around the corner so it's time to invest in some new running shoes and hit the side walks. Zara and I love to run. Our friend Jordon, from Walks With Zara, takes us for a run two or three times a week. It is fantastic. All that pent-up energy gets left on the side walks. And don't let me hear that you have a small dog so you can't run with them. John tells many stories about his late Dachshund named Manners. He used to take Manners and his other dog, Emily, to Piedmont Park in Atlanta. John would be on his roller blades and the dogs would run like their tails were on fire. Manners, with her short little legs, would run John and Emily into the ground. And add to that she always found the time and energy to veer off course and chase squirrels. So, just because you have a little dog, don't underestimate their stamina. A small dog will happily run a couple of miles with you. And honestly, look in the mirror -  couldn't you use a little run yourself?

There is a reason that Cesar Millan puts exercise at the top of his "to do" list. Without exercise there can be no balance to your life. Exercise calms the mind and quiets the soul. It gives you an appreciation of life. Be it a long walk, a run or just a visit to the park - exercise sets the stage for everything else. Once my mind is clear I know I'm much more receptive to learning things. I'm also less frustrated which makes me less inclined to pick fights with Zara. Which means I get bit less often which is a good thing. So here's what I'm saying: You've got a dog and a couch. They were NOT bought as a set. Get the dog off the couch and get them out into the world. Get out and get moving. Your pet needs it and you need it. Turn off the damn TV!

Before I sign off, I'm going to get myself into some trouble. As most of you know, John had a battle with cancer in 2008. He won but it took its toll. He spent most of 2009 putting his physical being back into order. Well now its 2010 and he's fat and out of shape. He's been kicking around the idea of running the 2010 Chicago Marathon. Well, I'm going to hold him to it. He's going to sign up with PAWS and raise money for them. Come into the store and hold his feet to the fire. Tell him to get off his ass and take me and Zara for a run! I'm serious here, he needs to be motivated. Short of me biting him in the butt he needs some pressure put on him. Every time you walk into Zane + Zara's make sure you mention it to him. "Hey John, hows the marathon training coming?"

Hugs and licks,


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