Monday, December 28, 2009

Let's talk cat litter!

OK, so it's been a while since I last blogged. And could I have picked a stranger subject? Doubtful. Truth is, I didn't know much about cat litter. We carry some of the stuff in the store but, to be honest, it doesn't move much. I began to wonder why. Well, if I'm not mistake, it's all about price and the fear of change. I would like to put forth that more needs to be added to the equation. You see, sometimes cheap, while easy, is a horrible way to go. And I do mean horrible.

Clay is the standard bearer when it comes to cat litter. It is cheap (for now) and available everywhere. You can't swing a cat (oops, very un-PC) without hitting a store that sells clay cat litter. It's like more way than one. Or you can have bentonite clay. Bentonite allows the clay cat litter to become clumping clay cat litter. The problems with clay cat litters are many: first of all, the mining process is wicked bad for the earth. Most of the clay is strip mined down to a level of about fifty feet. Now I'm no geologist but strip mining a naturally occurring mineral that obviously plays some part in our natural aquaphere strikes me as a total "we should re-think this" moment. But then again, it's cheap. And we know that regardless of the implications, cheap always wins in the short run. You also have to look at what is happening to our landfills as tons and tons and tons of this clay is added. Think about it, you add huge amounts of the bentonite clay, now the most popular clay litter, into a land fill and then add liquid. You get plates of solid clay where water will no longer flow. This stops any chance of natural decomposition and/or forces liquid to pool and then fester. Ugh! Do we really need rotting trash lakes whose secondary ingredient is cat poop? Really, is this a good idea?

Are there alternatives, yes. There are a variety of alternatives: each offering a different take on being better for mother earth. Problem is, and let's say this together, they are more expensive. Add to that the whole "cats hate change almost as much as they hate baths" and you get a buying public who is loath to try something different in the litter box...even if it is a good idea. And I am certainly not one to judge. John's brother drives, among other things, a Prius. He let John and Russell drive it on their last visit. John was fascinated by the whole package. Russell on the other hand hated the brakes. They felt different as they serve a dual purpose for the Prius. One is braking, the other is recharging the batteries. This dual purpose makes them "feel" different than ordinary brakes. Russell would be a difficult sell. That is change. Everyone hates change. Make it change that has a price tag and you really get avoidance. But sometimes change can be for the greater good. Having a car that gets 40+ mpg in the city of Chicago may out-way funny feeling brakes when it comes time to trade in our SUV. Having great mpg may also out-weigh a steep price tag but that's also an individual calculation. Expensive, funny feeling brakes may lead to out and out avoidance or it may add up to a very popular car. If you'll pardon the pun, a lot of people get a lot of mileage out of driving a car that screams, "I'm saving the planet!" So, let's just say that clay cat litter is the SUV in this story. Is the world ready to trade in their comfortable SUV for something better for the earth even if it is different and pricey? Pros and cons to weigh: will mother earth win out. This, like dog food, is what you choose to inflict on your pet. It's not like we get a choice. What follows is pretty broad. After all, you need to do some of the work yourself.

How about something made of newspaper? Granted birds have been pooping on newspaper for eons but cats? What are we talking about here, a cup of coffee and the Wall Street Journal in the morning? Well, not quite. The newspapers are processed into pellets that are then used as cat litter. It has a soft touch for the cat and is totally biodegradable. You can toss it in your garden or composter. It also has a reputation as an odor controller. I wonder if the cats laugh at the parts made from the comics?

Or you could go to the silica/crystals direction. Basically, and I do mean basically, this stuff is sand. The idea behind it is "absorb and dry." And boy can this stuff absorb. It is actually so efficient it will petrify the solid waste from your cat. Sort of like some Stephen King movie. Now because this stuff is so good at the absorbing and drying, the cat waste really never gets a chance to begin decomposing and thus smelling. This gives you good odor control. If you do proper maintenance silica cat litter far outlasts clay thus making it comparable in price. Also, the waste is flushable and getting rid of the used litter means just mixing it into your garden. Sounds good right? Sort of...maybe? Silica is not particularly soft to the touch. As a matter of fact it can be kind of jagged. Cats can be sort of princess-like and they don't like pointy litter. You can get "softer" silica litter now but, these tend to roll all over the floor when the cat tracks the stuff out of the box. I know; bitch, bitch, bitch.

Finally, lets look at a group I'll call cellulose litter. This stuff is plant based so in the grand scheme of things, you grow it to use it. It can be grown for use or recycled. Pretty cool huh? Well, the price thing rears its ugly head again. Also, depending of the plant base, it may be interfering with the human food chain. For example it can be based on wheat, corn or soy bean. It is more expensive even when you toss in the use less, lasts longer equation. But, it is a better idea than clay in every way. It is so earth friendly that it needs to be a Super Hero. You can flush it, bury it or toss it into the compost pile. It can be "naturally" treated to clump, absorb more or give a nice wiff of pine when peed on. Perfect right? Well, even Jennifer Anniston has issues. Cats lead with their senses as we all do and some of this cellulose stuff smells like food: wheat, corn and/or soy bean. Cat's are smart. The don't usually poop in their food dish. Putting something in their litter box that smells like food is very confusing. Also, while it is soft to the touch, it feels different than clay litter. Cat's don't like change. And clay to wood is a big change.

Truth is, all of this represents change. Personally I think it is all a matter of perspective. I see change as fundamentally good. It keeps life fresh and interesting. I am not put off by change. You and your cat get to make that decision. I will tell you though, this whole clay thing needs to change. The mining is bad and the recycling is non-existant. Make a resolution for 2010 to try something earth friendly for the cat box. There are options available; you just need to be at peace with the change. Or you could just potty train your cat. Now that's change!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Doggy Style

OK, let's set the record straight, I am a stylin' dog. My looks have been known to stop traffic. Granted that probably wouldn't happen so much if I'd quit walking out into the streets but that's beyond the point. A good dog is not only a well behaved and well groomed dog but also one who has the proper accessories.

Let's start with the collar. You don't have to break the bank to have a stylish collar. Drop $20.00 at Zane + Zara's and you can walk away with something by Upcountry or 72 Bark Place. That collar is the foundation of a great outfit. Me, I like a little bling. I am currently sporting a collar by Silverfoot. It's a nice martingale with a shiny silver chain. And remember that little jingle you hear doesn't have to be just your registration tags. Think about something extra like a nice crystal or pearl pendant of maybe something with your personal information on it just incase you go out and get yourself lost. You could also pick up a tag silencer but what good is jewelry if you can't hear it "clink" together.

Seeing as it is now winter and the cold weather seems to be upon us, you may not want to stop there. If you are one of our more hirsute breeds there is probably not a sweater or coat in your future but I will guarantee, if you have sensitive paws like Zara, you'll need footware. Chicago loves to salt the streets and sidewalks and there is noting more miserable that walking on salt. I ask you, who's good idea was salt on the ground? You have to think, "Is there a salt mine with the name Daly on it?" But, I digress. Hairy or not, you're probably going to need boots. Boots come in two basic styles: you have the more regulation boot style. This style usually has some elastic around the ankle with a velcro strip so that you can tighten the material around the foot. They are usually water-proof and have some sort of non-slip sole. These boots range in price between $40 and $60. While they are very attractive and can usually be had in colors that match a coat, sweater or scarf they do have a substantial draw-back. You can't feel the ground beneath your feet. While this might not be a big deal for you humans, it is a HUGE deal for us dogs. Now some of us get used to these things pretty quick, others, not so lucky. You end up with that "just saw a ghost" look on your face and making a brave attempt to shake the boots off of all four paws at one time. Very entertaining but it really makes us want to wet ourselves.

The alternative is the balloon style. These are silicon balloons that fit very securely over the foot. They are, of course, water-proof and most importantly, allow you to feel the ground beneath your feet. They are much less expensive: about $15.00 for three sets. The biggest draw-back is if you're not being careful, your toenails can poke through. But if you are careful putting them on, the three sets should easily last you a full season. I will say, if you're a sporting dog who likes to go hiking on nature trails and such, you'll probably tear these on the rough ground.

For those of us who have short or no coats a little outerwear is always in order. The choice is levels of warmth and sweater or coat. Sweaters are usually of a style that just pulls over your head and coats usually employ some sort of button, snap or velcro. If you are a sturdy breed like Zara a nice light water-proof jacket with a soft lining is a great choice. It'll keep you nice and dry and offer a bit of insulation against the wind and cold. If the cold is really an issue, like it is with me, a well fitting wool sweater or a fleece lined coat are in order. If you like the ease of just slipping a sweater over your head I recommend something by Chilly Dog. They offer lots of stylish colors and patterns in sizes from teeny tiny to enormous. Hand-made in South America, they are 100% wool and colored with vegetable dyes. Chilly Dog is my choice for winter wear this year. And finally you can go with a nice fleece lined, all weather coat from Muttluks. If you really like the outdoors but were saddled with indoor fur, this is the coat for you. Weather proof and fleece lined they are nice and snuggly.  Solid colors, button front and a nice stylish belt around the middle. Zara and I will probably move to these coats as the Chicago weather worsens. And if the weather gets real bad I may chose a larger size than normal so that I can wear the coat over my sweater. Boxers, you see, are very sensitive to the cold.

Well, that's Doggy Style for today. Remember, just because you call us your "furry" friends doesn't mean we don't get cold. And just because we call it a collar doesn't mean it's not jewelry. Have a joyous holiday season.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Do you really need a pet? Come on, really?!?!

OK, the title of this blog is a rhetorical question. Of course you need a pet. Pet's are the great, unsung medicine. It is an accepted fact that just petting a dog or cat will lower your blood pressure. People who own pets live longer and healthier lives. Dogs are especially helpful for those who suffer from mental or emotional disorders. And to cap it all off, if you are broken, ie recovering from surgery, you heal faster when in the company of a dog or cat. Honestly, if you got this kink of return from human children I think there would be a population explosion! "The doctor says I need to lower my blood pressure. Let's have a baby." Hmmmm, I just don't think it works that way.

The really issues start to pop up when it comes to how you go about getting a new dog or cat. And to be honest, whether it is a human, a dog or a cat the criteria always seems to be the same when it comes to adoption: purebred and as young as possible. Ugh! It just breaks my heart. While I don't want to judge. (I'll leave that to Zara.) Why do so many people make such a narrow search. I understand that you get a picture in your mind as to what you want but why does it have to be such a visual and superficial picture. Why does "new" always mean puppy or kitten. And why does "breed" always mean purebred? Everyone loses out a bit when your search is so narrow and confining.

Let's start with the whole "new" concept. How about instead of puppy or kitten we look at them as "new to you." There are so many dogs and cats out there that have some time already on their clocks. They are in rescues, adoption centers, local pounds and foster homes. They have been pulled out of abusive homes, rescued from puppy mills, picked up on the streets or even tearfully turned in because of financial distress. And let me tell you, they come without many of the issues that you'll face with a puppy or kitten. Think about it, no house training, no teething, no chewing. Yes, they're slightly lower on the cuteness scale but you only get a few months of that anyway. Puppies and kittens, especially if you are a first time parent, quickly lose "cute" and turn into "Oh my God!" or "Why are you still!" Yeah, there are a host of advantages to adopting an adult dog or cat. Along with that, you get a certain level of awareness in a more mature adoption. Many people say that an adopted dog or cat is completely aware of just how lucky they are to be joining a new, loving family. On a personal note, both Zara and myself are well aware that we were dealt a winning hand through adoption. Please! Just look at the sign above our store. Those are our names up in lights. All those kisses I give and the little nibbles Zara likes to bestow are gratitude pure and simple.

Now let's talk breed. Yes, a purebred dog or cat is a beautiful sight. (Hey, you're looking at one right here.) But don't discount the mixed breed. Go out and stir the soup a little. Who doesn't like to have the best of both worlds - or even the best of three or four worlds. The mixed breed dog or cat can offer so much more in a single package. How about the kind gentle character of the Golden Retriever mixed with the protectiveness of a Rottweiler. Or the hypoallergenic fur of a Poodle mixed the hunting ability of a Weimaraner. The combinations are endless and always interesting as they usually came about unexpectedly. (Somebody got out of the fence.) Zara herself is a mixed breed. We think she is a Basenji/Pit mix but Russell's father pointed out that she has webbed feet like a Retriever. That would explain her love of swimming and her unbridled hunting instincts. Honestly, she would not be Zara if she were a pure breed dog.

So what am I trying to say here? It's pretty basic really. When you decide that it is time to bring a new soul into your family don't limit yourself. If I may quote, "Life is a banquet and some poor souls are starving to death." Step up and take a look at everything that is offered. Break that mindset that says, "It must be new and it must be pure." Look at it this way: you may be able to afford a brand new Chevrolet but if you bought something used you might walk away with a BMW. (John and his car analogies.) Zara was adopted from Arf House and I was at PAWS. You may very well find the best pet in the world at a similar place. Don't deprive yourself of a loving, thankful, beautiful, house-trained, more mature addition to your family. And remember: adopting a pet, like adopting a child, reserves you a special place in heaven...or wherever it is that you plan on ending up in this grand, multi-faith world of ours.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Toys For Your Furry Friend or Yes, I'm Shilling

Welcome back. My last little blog took forever to write as Russell's family are in Chicago for the holidays. So many distractions, lots of good company and food. And what is with this celebration centered around a huge cooked bird? I mean I'm all for poultry but this thing was HUGE! I thought Chicago pigeons were big. Humans!

Let's talk toys for a moment or two. I think one of the biggest requests we get at Zane + Zara's is for an indestructible toy. Well, I can tell you, after all this time watching in awe as Zara rips to shreds any and all toys, you'll probably not find one. Yes, they come in varying degrees of toughness but indestructibility is a tough find. My suggestion to all of you out there is this: rethink how you are using toys. Giving us a soft, chewy toy that even squeaks and then expecting us to not rip it apart just goes against every instinct we have. The "shrinks" call it a prey instinct and all dogs and cats have it. Our ancestors did not run around the kitchen island, looking like fools waiting to be fed. They went out and hunted for dinner. And that drive to hunt propels us today. OK, me not so much, I'm very content to have my food brought to me. Zara, on the other hand, is a hunter to the bone. What a maniac! Every squirrel is a potential meal and every other dog is a competitor. Talk about a girl who doesn't like to share. Russell and John are very nice about making sure we each get the same things but I'll be damned if Zara doesn't hoard every bone and good toy. Yeah, the crappy stuff she'll let me have but the cool things she pretty much keeps to herself. Bitch. If she waives one of those deer antlers in my face one more time I think I'll call the ASPCA.

Back to the subject of the day: Our prey instinct drives us to kill. So what you really need to do is stop trying to find an indestructible toy and start playing with us. Take that toy and toss it for us. We'll chase it like it's...well, it's dinner. You can even show us how to get the hang of bringing it back to you. Personally, I think that's a bit below me but, hey, they don't call 'em "retrievers" for nothing. My motto is, "you throw it, you chase it."And once everyone is good and tuckered out, take the toy and put it away. If you are going to be so kind as to give us something to chew on then make it something made to be chewed on. There is a whole host of things out there just begging to be gnawed on. Look for labels like: Kong, Nylabone or our current favorite: Otis and Claude products. If it has to be something soft try items by Tuffy or Mighty. Mighty toys even come in different levels of durability 1-10. Though, again, even a level 10 is no match for Zara. (I think I caught her chewing on one of the car tires once.) Or do something really great and make it something natural. We have these amazing smoked bones at Zane + Zara's. I'm talking natural, Omaha, Nebraska, smoked bones. And sizes for the tiny or the huge. Granted the display looks like a scene from CSI but...I'm drooling on the keyboard. Or if you're worried about stains on your carpet of possible stomach upset go for a deer antler. Now we're talking a tough toy. It took Zara a good two months to chew her last antler down to a size where John and Russell took it away.  They are so good. And don't forget Bully Sticks or Flossies. Yes they can get a little gross but they are delicious.

That's about it. If you're looking for a little holiday treat for your furry friend come on in to Zane + Zara's. (This is the shilling part.) Toy Island is in the back and there is lots of great stuff to chose from. Just don't hold something up and ask is it tough enough for your dog. If you have to ask the question, you already have your answer. If you just throw a stuffed toy on the ground and leave us alone with it you're going to come back to just what you deserve: and empty husk, stuffing all over the place and a missing squeaker causing a bowel obstruction. Good times for all.

And let's not forget about cats. Personally, I've never seen one but I do know that John and Russell often talk about getting a "store" cat. I decided to do some research. While cats do have a bit of an imperious reputation, most of them do love their toys. And there is the whole catnip thing. Humans are wrestling with whether to legalize marijuana yet they'll happily get their cats loaded on catnip. They even put it in their toys. I think it's because they're to lazy to mix them drinks but who am I to judge. John and Russell have dedicated the entire right/western side of the store to cats. Cat toys are colorful, fanciful, stuffed with cat crack or not. Come in and take a look. Your kitty needs a little fun too.

Have fun folks. This holiday season only comes around once a year and your pets deserve to be in on the celebrations.

Toys and Other Healthcare Subjects

OK, I know, seemingly unrelated subjects but it's Christmas and the Senate it now embroiled in a political pissing contest over healthcare. These are subjects that are near and dear to my heart: toys and healthcare. Both things to chew on. LOL.

I am a lucky dog. Russell and John provide me with insurance. I know, dog insurance, it's not part of the big healthcare debate but work with me here. My owners are well off. They are able to provide myself and Zara health insurance. Many dogs are not in the same boat. Some have owners who have lost their jobs, some are owned by the newly underemployed. And believe it or not some are simply street dogs living on their wits alone, shunned by society and spoken about in the most negative of terms. These dogs are the forgotten majority. Every little sneeze or ache is a source of worry. "Can I stay out of the vet's office this time?" What a wretched way to live life. All worry and no joy. I could not be any luckier. I am truly blessed.

Humans, as I understand it, are going through the same thing. The majority have insurance but many, some 40 million souls, have none. How, with all that this nation stands for, is it that so many are left to struggle, just waiting for the next shoe to drop? For the next health disaster. For the next vet visit that you can't afford. Many talk of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness being guaranteed by the Constitution. That there is no guarantee of healthcare. But, hey, isn't "life" in there. Shouldn't there be some assumption of what "life" includes. There are programs for food stamps so you can eat, rental assistance so you can keep a roof over your head, even bus and train discounts so you can get around town. Why isn't there help to keep you healthy? I mean, am I the only one who sees how basic of a problem you have here?

Oh, I hear some of you, "everyone has access to healthcare in the US. All you have to do is go to the emergency room." Yes, and I'm going to sit here and pretend you're not all idiots. Statements like this one are always spewed by those who haven't actually seen an emergency room bill. John's last emergency room bill, and there were many of them in 2008, was at least $5000.00.  That's an expensive visit if you only have the flu. Let alone the fact that it pretty much clogs up the system for real emergencies. I've heard that it is so bad that they actually have persons to triage the emergency room. On top of all of the other expenses generated by an emergency room they have people who talk to you and decide where in the grand scheme of things you fall. "You we will see soon, you will wait until the calendar changes." Who thinks this is a good idea? Really, who? The waste of this one resource is frightening.

Then you get the, "What am I going to lose in the bargain," people. For God's sake isn't this just the height of hypocrisy? I mean here we are a good, God fearing people hell bent to force our moral standards on the rest of the world and we would first look at what we had to lose instead of what the other person had to gain. Has anyone ever read the Ten Commandments lately? This just makes me want to crap myself. How dare you set foot in a house of worship and then come out of it more worried about yourself than others. I want to send Zara out to bit you in your private parts! Should you be worried about your insurance benefits? Yes, absolutely. But you should be at LEAST as concerned about your fellow man. (Or is it fellow dog? I keep forgetting who I talking too.)

Now here's a part that I really don't understand. "I've worked hard for my benefits, why should someone else get them for free?" My opinion is that everyone should get them for free. No where else in the developed or even the developing world are your health care benefits tied to your choice of career or employer but the US. Health care is just a given. Just like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; you get healthcare. Why is this a bad idea? Yes, your taxes are going to be higher. But you get what you pay for. And think of the benefits: far less utilization of emergency room services, the ability to offer everyone preventative care, etc. And yes, I fully understand that those who don't work would be getting the same benefits as those who were working but isn't this a good thing? Wouldn't it be nice to know if, God forbid, you lost your job, you would still have your health insurance? And wouldn't it be a good thing to know that your fellow man was being taken care of also? Isn't that the moral way to think?

I am a firm believer in socialized medicine. If I had my way, I would insure everyone and it would be one massive, government run organization. Yeah, probably not an idea that would fly in the US. But to tell the truth I don't know how else to do it. Private enterprise is great at competing but when it comes to treating everyone as equals...not so good. The truth is, our free enterprise system is designed to treat everyone as unequals. You can shop at Walmart or Bloomingdales. You can drive a Chevrolet or a Cadillac. You can live in a small house or a mansion. We are a society of unequals. But healthcare is a different subject. Everyone needs their health. But I do see room, even in health care, for competition. The government should offer the basics and competition should offer the upgrades. Do you want only private hospital rooms? How about no co-pays? Maybe expanded dental or vision care? All of these things could be packaged and sold.

OK, that's my rant for today. You humans are just out of your minds. Stop just saying no for the sake of saying no. Put it out there that health care is a right and work until you get it done. My God you travel back and forth into space but you can't insure everyone? Idiots!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Humans just don't read.

OK, sometimes I just can't take it. Guy came into the shop yesterday and needed some food for his dog.  Great, food we have. And good food too. Not that dreck you find in the big box stores. (Big box. I hate that term. Like I can't name names.) But good quality foods. The gentleman says that his dog is on a prescription diet and he needs something low protein. OK, I swallow hard on that one and walk with him to the food aisle.  We pick out a small bag of Wellness, look at the protein content, chat a little and he goes on his merry way.

Now I am not one to push my opinion on someone so I didn't tell him that the food he is feeding his dog is crap but the first thing I did was pop open my lap top. 

Brewers Rice, Pork Fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols and citric acid), Dried Egg Product, Flaxseed, Corn Gluten Meal, Chicken Liver Flavor, Powdered Cellulose, Calcium Carbonate, Dried Beet Pulp, L-Lysine, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Citrate, vitamins (L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate (source of vitamin C), Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Vitamin D3 Supplement), Choline Chloride, Iodized Salt, Calcium Sulfate, Vitamin E Supplement, L-Threonine, Taurine, minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite), L-Tryptophan, Magnesium Oxide, preserved with Mixed Tocopherols & Citric Acid, Beta-Carotene, Rosemary Extract.

This is the ingredients list for the food he's currently feeding his dog.  Granted, at 14% it is low in protein compared to a standard dog food. But if you get past that fact, the stuff is pretty frightening. Look at the first few ingredients: rice, PORK FAT, dried egg product (if you fed me that I'd pee on you in your sleep) flaxseed, corn gluten meal, chicken liver FLAVOR (who said that was a good idea?!?!) and powered cellulose.  Honestly, I know that when they were putting this food together all of this probably came out of the committee looking and sounding pretty good. "Look, we now can offer a low protein food." But really people this is really nasty stuff when your looking at the needs of an animal who's traditional diet was game meat. (OK, maybe there was some chicken coup raiding but a group of us could take down a deer. For some of us it would have to be a slow, sick deer but that's beyond the point. Could you just see a pack of ferrel Pugs?!?!) I just don't get it. Do any of you out there read labels? Do any of you ever think to question our doctors? "Hey, why is it a good thing for the second ingredient in my dog's food to be PORK FAT?  Why do you want me to feed my dog, not corn which is a problem to start with, but corn gluten meal? Why do you want me to feed my dog rice? Rice is the first ingredient in this food. My dog is a carnivore. Somewhere there should be meat in his/her diet...DON'T YA' THINK! "

But hey, I'm not a doctor. I'm just someone who has a little store in Roscoe Village. My education was not funded by a huge corporation that just happens to make dog and cat food. I simply take the time to pick up packages and read labels. READ LABELS PEOPLE!!! Sit down and ask questions. I dare all of you, ask the question, "Just why is this food prescription? What drugs does it contain? Honestly, are there little ground up percodans in this kibble?" Or is it just marketing gone amok. You can only get this through your vet, therefore it is prescription. Such a load of crap. Maybe you could go out and get a second opinion. Stop spending a fortune to feed us, your best buddies, crap. Hell, the whole dog and cat food thing is pretty dicey the least you can do is feed us the good stuff.

Like I said, I'm not a doctor. I'm just a dog. If you're sick or broken, I'm going to be of little use except for sympathy. I will never question you doctor or the choices you make. These are personal decisions between you, the vet and your best buddy. What I am doing is telling you it's your responsibility to ask questions. It's your responsibility to read labels Your choice in foods for your family is an investment in their futures. Think Read Ask and Act. 
