Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Stuff at Zane + Zara's

Hey, it's actually Zane again. Not that I've minded loaning out my space to John but, geez does he have to stir the pot so vigorously? I have taken some pictures of new stuff at Zane + Zara's. This is just the tip of the iceberg. New stuff will be coming in almost weekly. Please drop in any time to say hello and check out the new products.

Is is me or does this display look like a cow exploded on the table and some deranged monkey is hanging out waiting for the cops to show up.
Zoe opened the box these were in and screamed. She ran through the store hollering for some divine intervention. John made her touch one just to laugh at her.
New toys by HuggleHounds They're are soft and plush on the outside but very, very tough on the inside. Still, not a toy you'd give to Zara. There'd be so much dead octopus in the house you'd think you were in a sushi bar.
Honestly, do you need a bigger Bully Stick? If the answer is yes, than we have the product for you. You can also use them as canes, splints or TV button pushers....if your set is that old.
These strike me as the answer to a question that nobody asked. Some people are content to feed their dogs Snausages, others are more inclined to pick a higher quality product. In all truth, you humans could pop a couple of these in the frying pan and cook them up for Saturday breakfast. But again I ask, how would you feel if I snatched something off your plate? That fried chicken breast is looking pretty tasty right about now...

Speaking of tasty, this is the new Tiki Dog. If you're a cat lover you've probably heard of Tiki Cat. Tiki Dog runs along the same line: ultra, ultra, ultra high quality dog food. It is on the pricy side but if you want the very best for your dog this should be on your short list. John is thinking of putting a little on a cracker and using it as doggy hors d'oeuvres for our big One Year Anniversary. I just slipped on my own drool.
If you like a retractable leash and do not have a huge dog, this is a product you might like to look at. You put on the wristband and the retractable leash pretty much fits in the palm of your hand. Very chic and compact. Nice positive lock also.
The ever popular Doggy Bag duffels now in multi-packs. I know, they're poop bags but damnit they're scented.
And look, Grandma Lucy's treats. I would have pictured a shelf full of them but we can't keep them on said shelf. The packaging could not be any cuter and as they are Grandma Lucy's the ingredients are spectacular. And there goes the drool again! I'm just going to strap a bucket to my chin.

As for the future: well, look out new cookies from Kaua'i, Hawai'i. All tropical flavors and delicious for both man and beast. Look out for new leashes and collars and toys. Just how cool is the future?

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