Saturday, May 1, 2010

Spring is just around the corner.

OK, I gave John his 15 minutes of fame but now it's back to business. There is just so much to talk about these days. First: I have to give a big shout out to Zelda. Zelda is the most recent addition to our family. While I'm not real thrilled about having another bitch in the house (Wonder if that'll get by the censors?) I have to admit she's very, very sweet. She's about Zara's size so you know I'm not threatened at all...really, not threatened at all. Yes, they both give me that look that says, "Your legs are so going to get bitten." But I'm not threatened. Besides, they can't get to me while I'm on the kitchen island. If I could just think of a way to get my bed up here I'd be set. Still not threatened though.

On to other things. Lots of changes coming to Zane + Zara's pet boutique for Spring/Summer. All of us just got back from the World Pet Expo in Orlando. So much cool stuff. New toys, new collars and leads, new bedding, new hair care products, new, new, new. We found a great new line of toys called HuggleHounds. Granted it sounds a lot like Huggies but it's not. It's HuggleHounds. Huggies would be diapers for dogs and that's a whole 'nuther blog. HuggleHounds toys are made sort of along the line of Mighty Toys. They have this tough nylon interior but are covered by a wonderful plush cordoroy. Personally, I can't wait to get hold of one. Zara will, of course, be banned from having them. Let's face it, on the destructablity scale, she's more of an antler girl...or tractor tire. But I digress...They also have this toy that has no stuffing that  you can put an empty water bottle in. OMG, the crinkling sound is just enough to cause a frenzy. Bite, shake, bite, shake: I'm dizzy just thinking about it. John says that he wants to put a full water bottle in one and give it to Zara. Could you just die at the idea?!?! She'd clamp down on it with her jaws of fury and *POW* it would blow like...geez where's a good metaphor when you need it. Let's just say it would be big and she'd have a real surprised look on her face. What a hoot!

And we can't forget fashion. Zara decided that our line up of collars and leashes needed a little fleshing out, especially when it comes to the basics. We are  bringing in a line called Timberwolf. These are ultra high quality and made in America. Basic colors: black, red, blue, green, purple, brown in a variety of styles. We think they'll be perfect for any occasion that doesn't require something from our fancier lines. Speaking of fancier lines, you'll also see new styles from Up Country, Gwen Gear and Wiggles Wags and Whiskers. And for you sporting dogs remember, we always carry a full line of collars and leads from Dublin Dog. Never worry about getting wet or dirty when you have a Dublin Dog collar on. You just wipe the mess right off.

Oh, and what would Spring and Summer be without new bedding from West Paws, Jax and Bones and those lux people at Bessie and Barnie. Also, expect to see some really great new products from Bessie and Barnie. They have a new vest-style harness and can now do harnesses in almost any fabric they can make a blanket or bed in to. You can be so coordinated it will frighten the neighbor's cat. And wait until you see the monkey fabrics. I thought John was going to stroke out. I swear he asked them if they'd make sheets out of it. Like he and Russell need monkey sheets. Geez, like the Wonder Woman ones aren't bad enough. Humans!

And don't forget, you're not Top Dog, or cat, if you smell bad or have split-ends. We're bringing in a new line of Shampoos and Conditioners from Juno's Garden. All natural of course and formulated for almost any occasion. They smell fantastic though I am loath to try them out. It's not the product mind you, I just don't like baths. If I wanted to bathe I'd just lick myself more often. Then again, that would just make me a cat.

There is, of course, much more. Suffice to say, change is coming. is progressing on the revamp of the Zane + Zara's web-site. This is huge! Soon you will be able to make purchases online at Could you just plotz?!?! Need food but you can't find time to run by the store or even call. Just sign on and buy. We will, as always, deliver it too you. Find yourself out of town with no cool toys? Just sign on and buy. We will be happy to overnight it too you. Find yourself in a small southern town, locked up because your tags are expired? Well, you're on your own for that one. Drop us a note and tell us how the food is behind bars. If it's really bad, just sign on and buy. We will ship it too you along with a file. OMG! We are so excited about online shopping. Bloomingdale's eat your heart out.

OK, that's about it for now. My paws are tired and my eyes are beginning to cross. John has been moving things around the store and I have to say the atmosphere is much more open. And John has brought in very nice, artificial plants. Yes, they look great but, come on, we're a pet store. Everything floor level has been peed on at least once. Do we need the incentive of it looking like a tree. I swear if he starts decorating with fire hydrants I'm just going to stay home. We're also beginning to get in tasty new foods and nibbles: Tiki Dog for the truly luxe palate and some treats made by a family bakery in Kaua'i, Hawai'i called Barkaroo Bakery. These are actually treats that you can share with your dog. All human grade ingredients and just yummy for everyone. John and Russell ate half the bag of Passion Fruit. Not that I objected but if I took something off of their plate....I'm just saying.



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